Let’s face it, no matter how old we get, we all would love to have a flat stomach! So, with research suggesting that deep down inside every woman wants a flat belly, we decided to focus on the very basics! These are not exercises, but they are just practices that you must do to fulfill your dream. Some best practices how to get a flat belly.
Image Courtesy: Radio I Love It (www.radioiloveit.com)
Well, well, you just told yourself, ‘Wow! That’s so me!’. It is.
But we have an idea. You know that track near your house that you always think about going to or that gym downstairs that you pass by and say, ‘Monday’? This is the time. Have your reunion at a running track or a gym.
Research shows that people work 104% harder when they have a workout buddy with them.
Many factors count, but it is the results that matter. So, the next time you meet up with your girlfriends, meet at the gym or a trail and after that, instead of eating steaks or Italian pasta at the nearby deli, share your detox water recipe with her and have her try it too.
Living healthy has proven for centuries to be the key to your success in career, relationships, and long life! Fact.
Image Courtesy: Calories Secrets (www.caloriesecrets.net)
Cardio exercises are there because our bodies are made to move. Unfortunately, after a tiring day at work or keeping a family, one does not always get time to do what they want. As a result of this, cardio is a must.
Before moving onto the benefits of cardio for weight loss, it must also be noted that cardio is essential to reduce the stress you take all day long! Putting your mind to cardio is unnaturally important for you to understand that there is a lot more to shed than just weight.
When we walk, we often feel our muscles toughen, or when we lift weights that strengthen our arms but exercises like crossovers, high knees, mountain climber or burpees do not just happen themselves. Of course not. These are some of the most effective exercises for your belly and do not remain a dreamer for life. Nothing is impossible!
Image Courtesy: Flickr via Richard Cocks (www.flickr.com)
Research has shown that a daily intake of 10 grams of fiber, fights 4.0% of fat over a span of five years. Now most websites do not mention five years, but every drop makes an ocean, does it not? The improvement is apparent every day. Fiber is found in a lot of foods, but you might still feel that it is not tasty enough or you just might not want to have it that often because it’s not fatty enough.
Fiber is found in oranges, so buy lots of them. It is also commonly found in sweet potatoes (that means you should not only have them on Thanksgiving) and black beans.
Now you know how close you were to fibers? Do not feel guilty, start today!
Image Courtesy: Flipboard (www.flipboard.com)
Say this to yourself every time you are sad, and the only thing that can help you is a huge bowl of a chocolate fudge cake. Well, the number one reason for body fat to keep piling up is that you do not say no. Instead, you persist on eating one thing after the other, even when you know you should not have.
Well, these things matter little by little and especially because you do not have enough exercise that you are getting. Self-control is the toughest of all areas of suffering. Be it with quitting cigarette smoking, drinking or overeating, the thought of saying no is cruel. However, that is only in daily life. You will be wrong to say no if you are hurting yourself, but this is to say no for good.
Image Courtesy: News Nish (www.newsnish.com)
Keep your lunches light. Although gaining fat is not the only concern with having heavy lunches, it is also a major issue that after having a heavy meal for lunch you will be sitting at your office desk for at least the next 3 to 4 hours.
This also means that you will not be able to burn off anything and by the time you decide to do so the next day (since you will be exhausted after work).
Image Courtesy: Wonderful Fly Ltd (www.wonderfulflyltd.com)
At this time, research states that the human metabolism boosts between 3 pm to 4 pm in the afternoon and balances sugar. Also, another reason it is suggested to have a light snack around 3 pm after a light lunch around noon is that when you eat in portions, your body is destined to gain less weight.
This ideology is best explained through the examples of being a caveman. During the times when there, of course, were no local burger joints or pizza parlors around, cavemen would hunt for their meals, and once they would, they would eat till they drop because they would never know when they would get to eat next. This, of course, meant that they were eating fewer times but eating more than they could take. As a result, it all gather in them as fat!
Lets not be cave people.
Image Courtesy: Ciao Winnipeg (www.ciaowinnipeg.com)
Glucagon is a hormone that fights fats and the higher the glucagon level in your body and the lower the insulin, the lesser the belly fat. It is very simple!
Image Courtesy: Pohuski (www.pohuski.com)
Studies have shown that people who consume seafood are a lot more toned and thinner. Now you just pictured that girl from China in your office, wondering why? Well, yes, this is why. From best practices how to get a flat belly.
Image Courtesy: Roo Kids App (www.rookidsapp.com)
All moms are the best at multi-tasking.
Play catch with your child instead or go out biking on the trail with your kids. Yes, it will also allow you to spend some time with your kids and will allow your body to remain active. This activity can be used as an alternative to cardio and keep your body well and active.
Image Courtesy: MTL Blog (www.mtlblog.com)
The reasons behind water being the best method of removing bloat are that when your body is not active regarding intake, the body will cling onto whatever it has, and at the moment it just has steak. So, it is important to keep the body actively working for it to not live on bloat.
Image Courtesy: Prostate Supplements (www.prostatesupplements.com)
These are facts.
Image Courtesy: My Tempe Smiles (www.mytempesmiles.com)
At the time of chewing gum, most of what you are swallowing is just air. When you inhale all this air, it converts into gas that settles in your stomach giving you a bloat! Think about it.
Image Courtesy: The Conversation (www.theconversation.com)
Companies then add sugars to balance out the taste, and for the 30% extra you have eaten, you have had 30% more sugar. All about from the best practices how to get a flat belly.
Breakfast – Pick out your favorite whole wheat bread, spread natural peanut butter over it and have a cup of berries with it, of your choice.
Lunch – Spinach salad with sliced avocado, grilled firm tofu, and cherry tomatoes, drizzled with a little olive oil and fresh lemon juice.
Dinner – Grilled salmon, a roasted sweet potato, and sautéed asparagus with olive oil and garlic.
3 PM Snack – A cup of fat-free yogurt with 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds.
Featured Image Courtesy: Healthy Food Star (www.healthyfoodstar.com)
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