Heartbreaks are terrible, but most of us have gone through them at least once in our lifetime. The feelings a heartbreak brings are even indescribable. Heartbreak can last a long time, depending on how serious and long the relationship was. They are very difficult to get over and recover from. Heartbreaks can even change you as a person.
To understand more, what we are going to when we suffer from a heartbreak, here is a list of things that happen to the body when your heart is broken:
Our emotional state affects our physical body as well. When you are mentally broken, you might experience headaches, stomach aches or aches from other body parts.
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This also has an effect on both the physical and the emotional part. Stress wears the body down and makes you very vulnerable. The best thing to do is give yourself a lot of time to rest and relax.
When we are sad and depressed, we tend to lose our appetite. You might even feel sick when you are thinking about food, or just forget to think about it at all. Of course, the absolute opposite might happen as well and you try to drown your sorrow in a bucket of ice cream or bag of chips.
When something so negative happens, it leaves us feeling alone and depressed. This should not be taken lightly. Depression is very hard to get over by oneself and it often makes us feeling unmotivated. In harder cases, people might also lose the will to live.
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You might try to keep yourself busy and focus on other stuff in life, but you keep finding yourself only thinking about the other person. Your work life might suffer as well as you mix up important dates and forget to show up on time. But this will pass, give yourself some time to heal.
As mentioned above, all the emotional feelings also affect the physical body. In some cases, the heart rate might slow down and your circulatory system may be compromised. If you are not feeling well, go and see a doctor about it.
In addition to losing your appetite, you will lose sleep too. You will lie awake at night and think about the other person and what went wrong. It is hard to get over a person, who once was so close to you. There is nothing you can do about it, it just takes time to get over someone you love.
Image Courtesy: HDWLP (www.hdwlp.com)
You are more emotional and more vulnerable than ever. Even the slightest comments or remarks might make you cry. You might start to cry in random places like in the public transport (when there are no available seats) or in a grocery store (when your favorite ice cream is out of stock).
You do not want to see and interact with other people. People, who are heartbroken, usually lock themselves in a room. This can last for days, weeks, months. They have a hard time opening themselves to others and also trusting others. Also, they do not want to burden their loved ones with their problems and negative emotions.
The same goes to addicts, who are forced to quit something immediately. When you have been together with our partner for a long time and build a life with him/her, it is hard to leave it all behind suddenly. Your mind and body do not have enough time to cope with the loss of a relationship.
Image Courtesy: Sowartix (www.sowartix.com)
You might experience delayed periods or they might hurt more than usual. When your body goes through stress, depression, and other negative emotions, your whole system is affected by that.
When you are vulnerable both mentally and physically, you are more likely to catch a cold or get a fever. Your body is not as strong as it is used to be and it is easier for the diseases and infections to get to you.
Another symptom of stress, but don’t worry. This will not be permanent. The human body is a complex machine and it heals itself over time.
Image Courtesy: Science for All
Menstrual cramps might hit you especially hard when you are feeling stressed and sad. Of course, it will make you feel even worse, but maybe your body is trying to tell you to slow down and rest for a while.
In addition to all the negative effect on the body, you will also start to doubt yourself and your worth. It is hard to love yourself if the other person has let you down or stopped loving you. You will lose your confidence and your belief in yourself, but it will all come back one day.
Getting over someone you love takes a lot of is very hurtful and takes a lot of strength. The most important thing is to be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal. Don’t force yourself into situations and activities you don’t enjoy. And if you want to eat a whole bag of candy, then eat it. Everyone has their own way of coping and getting over someone. Don’t lose your hope, after time you start thinking about them less and less and it will get easier.
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