Shakespeare referred to Romeo and Juliet as “star-crossed lovers,” meaning although in love, being together would not result in a good outcome.
Our zodiac signs help the stars align and provide clues to what we are looking for in a partner. Maybe you crave affection, if so, wouldn’t it be helpful to know the most affectionate zodiac signs?
If you love cuddling, holding hands, and being showered with kisses, here are 4 of the most affectionate zodiac signs that will have you asking your next date for his/her birthday:
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces are known for their intense devotion, which tends to make them great kissers. They also crave affection from others and are appreciative of physical contact. Pisces are very giving individuals but do expect reciprocity, although they may not always ask for it.
If you are affectionate and seeking a partner who wants the same in return, find a Pisces; you may have a lot in common.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Tauruses are known for their sensuality and love of wine and art. These attributes qualify them as affectionate beings. Not only sensual but a fan of harmony makes the Taurus a highly-affectionate partner who enjoys the company of sensitive individuals to share their passion for beauty and love.
Tauruses also enjoy the stimulation, which makes them excellent partners between the sheets. The Taurus might be considered the most “intimate” of the four signs described.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Cancers hate to be alone and keep their lovers close. They have a hard time dealing with separation and are genuinely affectionate with their partners. They love romance and showering their partners with physical affection. Cancers are also seductive and have no problem providing their loved ones with the attention they desire.
Cancers also are sincerely passionate and sensitive beings whose tenderness will make you continuously ask for more.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Known for their high level of commitment, loyalty, and family values, the Libra is exceptionally loving and makes for another affectionate partner.
The Libra is also known for being eager to please and enjoys demonstrating fondness towards the ones they love. Libras will display affection with fierceness due to their exceptional commitment and loyalty.
Similarly to the Pisces, Libras do expect affection in return and are firm believers in equality with their partners. If you are interested in beginning a committed relationship with a passion that works both ways, a Libra could just be your perfect mate.
Although zodiac signs are one indicator of personality traits that you may desire in a partner, sometimes you might find someone wonderful who might end up being “star-crossed,” and remember that not every ending plays out like Romeo and Juliet.
Still, if affection is something of mass importance that you crave in relationships, and you meet someone who happens to be 1 of these four zodiac signs, in regards to affection, your stars may have aligned.
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