5 Questions That Drive Men Absolutely Crazy but Women Just Love Asking Them!

If you have a boyfriend or husband, you’re certain to be guilty of asking at least one of these questions over the course of your relationship.

1. “Do I Look Fat?”

Anything along these lines puts your man on the defense immediately. Unless you want a 100% honest answer, why ask? And if you do ask, are you really just looking for constructive criticism or just fishing for a compliment?

I remember the first time I asked my husband this question he answered, “If you think you look fat then go for a run.” I’ll be honest; I wasn’t thrilled with his reply. He is a problem solver and just offered up a reasonable answer. An answer that made me think he wasn’t pleased with my figure, which wasn’t the case.

We women often feel insecure about our weight and our looks especially if we’ve put on a few pounds. Instead of hounding our men to validate us, why not work on ourselves and give off a sexy, confident vibe instead?

I mean, we all have a pair of scales, we can step on it and see what the number says. We live in our body and can tell when we aren’t at our healthiest or strongest. Instead of asking our partner their opinion to placate our worries, it would be more beneficial to go on a walk, hit the treadmill, eat healthier, you name it.

Take steps to make yourself feel better without getting false assurances from your mate that everything is fine. Most men will gladly say what you want to hear just to avoid hurting your feelings

Image Courtesy: Stories Of The World (www.storiesoftheworld.com)

2. “Is She Prettier Than Me?”

Back to that insecurity thing. If she was pretty enough for you to notice, your mate probably noticed her as well. Going to the beach, shopping, or anywhere for that matter is likely to put other females in your partner’s line of sight.

There is nothing wrong with noticing beauty. We, women, notice attractive men, beautiful artwork, and the grandeur of nature. That in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. It becomes an issue if your man is straight up oogling and being lustful in his gaze. If he just looked, noticed, and looked away, don’t overthink it and overreact.

Your man chose you. Sure, he might find some other women more attractive physically, but the physical isn’t the most important, and he knows that. Gravity will make things droop, and plastic surgery can’t fix everything. He chose you for your soul, your intellect, and your beauty. You, my dear, are the full package, and he knows that. And if he doesn’t then he’s just a straight up fool.

3. “Whatcha Thinking About?”

If you’ve lived with your man for any length of time, you’re sure to have noticed he processes things quite differently from you. Once in a while when he is sitting there quietly, you will be curious to know what on earth is he thinking about.

You assume that “what is he actually thinking about?”. Us women are constantly thinking and jump from one topic to the next so quickly. Men, on the other hand, tend to zone out. When he tells you he’s thinking about nothing, he very well may mean he’s been thinking about nothing.

It’s pretty hard for us to think about nothing, so we assume he is lying and just doesn’t want to share what’s on his mind. As irritating as his response may be, take it at face value.

Image Courtesy: Toronto Date Doctor (www.torontosnumber1datedoctor.com)

If you’re genuinely concerned that something is bothering him, let him know you’re there to talk if he wants but give him some space. Better yet, just join him in whatever he is doing and sit by him quietly. If he wants to talk he will, if not, he will just enjoy your company nearby. No one likes someone prying into their private thoughts so don’t do it.

4. “Do you love me?”

Do you doubt his love for you? If so, you should figure out what it is that is bugging you. Otherwise, why make him second guess his feelings for you or make him feel like his efforts of loving you have no effect?

It would be far more productive to let him know when he does something that makes you feel loved. If you love it when he randomly brings you some flowers, tell him, “I feel so loved when you surprise me like this.” It’s much more uplifting, and he is sure to remember how happy he made you and then do it again.

5. “Why Can’t You Be More Like ________?”

You would hate it if your man compared you to someone else so avoid this question at all costs. Sure, it may be an innocent attempt on your part to get him to notice a positive quality he should pick up. But guess what, you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors of the person you’re comparing him to.

You only see that person on their best behavior and your mate at all times (including their worst) so it isn’t a fair comparison.

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Peace Quarters

Peace Quarters is a woman-focused media publishing platform which started in 2017. The platform focuses on everyday love and lifestyle demands along with its focus on astrology, science, and health. Peace Quarters has a growing community of up to 200,000 Facebook followers and millions of monthly visitors. Any content published under the name Peace Quarters on our platform is a piece submitted by our staff writers.

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