It’s 3PM and you’re eyes are drooping as you finish typing another email. You already drank 2 cups of coffee today. Should you really get another? You get up from your desk and walk over to the break room. The coffee pot is empty. So you grab a donut on your way out. You walk back out with your empty coffee mug and notice the number of people going through the same slump. The office is falling asleep. Three people have their elbows propped on the desk with their head resting on their hand. Four people are frantically drinking coffee and waiting for the caffeine to kick in. Then there are two people absentmindedly fidgeting, trying desperately to stay awake. Theycross then uncross their legs, rest their arm on their lap then their desk, play with a pen in their hand as they finished up the file they have open. You walk quickly back to your seat and put the empty mug on the coaster.Once you’re settled back in, you eat your donut and continue typing.
This is the typical sugar/caffeine crash that happens midday when you don’t feed your body properly. Your body needs food with nutrition not just empty calories filled with sugar and caffeine. For a busy person, super foods are the way to go.
So, what are super foods? We hear this term thrown around in health magazines and talk shows all the time. According to registered dietician Despina Hyde, super foods are foods with “extra-large doses of vitamins and minerals that can help us ward off diseases and live a longer, healthier life.”
For this reason, many people have hopped on the green superfood trend. Nowadays, people are always on the move. For them, eating a salad with a fork is not as convenient as holding a granola bar or bag of chips in one hand while making your daily errands. But instead of eating empty calories throughout the day, you can incorporate these delicious green super foods in to your meals. Green super foods are nutrient dense and provide people with lots of nutrition without having to sit down with a bowl and fork to eat a salad.A lot of these super foods are actually really easy to bring with you on the go. Live a healthier life by adding these 5 green superfoods to your grocery list this week.
1. Edamame
First on the list is edamame. They are packed with protein, fiber, folate, and phytosterols. A single cup of edamame contains 22 grams of protein. The high protein and fiber content in edmamae keeps you fuller longer, which means less junk food snacking. This leads to weight loss and a healthier weight. Edamame also contains other nutrients such as folate and phytosterols that are great for your body.
The folate in edamame synthesizes and repairs the DNA in your body. Everything in the human body boils down to DNA, so the quicker DNA can repair and synthesize, the quicker your body can recover and heal. Another important element in edamame isphytosterols,whichhelp to lower cholesterol. Edamame is packed with so much good stuff that you have to grab a handful. Edamame is delicious sprinkled with a bit of salt or thrown on top of a salad. For a healthy and crunchy snack, bake the edamame at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. You can even sprinkle some parmesan cheese over the edamame for a delicious savory touch! Thesecrunchy, baked edamamewill totally kick that potato chip craving!
2. Kale
Much like Edamame, kale contains a lot of fiber. Kale is also rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A is good for your eyes, immune system, skin, and bones. Vitamin C helps build up your immune system, reduce wrinkles, cure cataracts, and treat cancer. The vitamin K in kale helps blood clotting, maintain healthy bones, and reduce risk for heart disease.
Kale also contains calcium, omega-3 acids, and carotenoids. As adults, we need calcium to maintain strong bones, a healthy heart, and strong muscles. Plus, the omega-3 acids in kale are great for heart health and the carotenoids in kale support eye health. Kale can do so much for your body, so add some to your salad or bake some in the oven for healthy chips. These nutrient dense leaves are not as tender as baby spinach leaves. So, an easy cooking tip for making kale salad is to message the leaves in the dressing before letting them rest for an hour or two before serving.
If you love potato chips, then you’ll love this next cooking tip. Toss a few handfuls of kale with olive oil and salt then bake them in the oven for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The leaves will be crunchy and salty just like potato chips!
3. Broccoli
Broccoli has similar properties to kale. These florets have vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, calcium, fiber, and phytochemicals. With all these great nutrients, broccoli is a great vegetable to add to your healthy diet. The fiber will keep you full and promote regular digestion. The various vitamins will boost your immune system, give you great skin, and reduce your chances of heart disease. Plus, the phytochemicals found in broccoli even has cancer-fighting properties.
To incorporate broccoli in to your diet, try a healthy stir-fry or steamed vegetable medley. Both options are delicious and filled with yummy nutrients. Remember a colorful diet is a healthy diet, so have fun and play with your food!
4. Spinach
These leafy green have lots of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, Iron, folate, and antioxidants. The iron in spinach fights fatigue by metabolizing proteins. Iron is also an important nutrient that helps the body produce red blood cells and hemoglobin, which are essential to healthy lung function. The antioxidant beta-carotene in spinach promotes heart health, has cancer-fighting properties, and supports healthy eyes.
All of these vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients are definitely a winning combination! So, mix it up the next time you make a salad. Replace your lettuce with yummy baby spinach or add a handful to an omelet for a delicious breakfast! Or use the spinach to create a delicious and creamy toast with avocado and cheese.
5. Avocados
Avocados are creamy and delicious and filled with healthy unsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin C, and potassium. The monounsaturated fats in avocados help lower cholesterol, which reduce the chances of heart disease and stroke. Plus, monounsaturated fats also reduce belly fat so you can be one step closer to the fabulous Victoria Secret Abs. And according to a Swedish study, avocados canlessen the chance for breast cancer.
Avocados also contain polyunsaturated fats,which keep you fuller longer. The vitamin E and C in avocados support radiant wrinkle-free skin and a strong immune system, so you can look great and feel great.
Much like bananas, avocados are a great source of potassium. Potassium has a plethora of benefits. According to many studies, potassium reduces blood pressure, which prevents strokes and also helps relieve anxiety and stress. For many athletes an avocado or a banana is the perfect treatment for sore muscles after strenuous workouts because potassium helps the muscles heal faster.
The creamy texture and delicate taste of avocados makes it perfect for healthy substitutes to mayonnaise, butter, and cream. You can make sandwiches, chocolate pudding, and even cake with avocados.
These super foods are delicious on their own or cooked in to a dish. They’re super easy to incorporate in to your every day meals. So grab your grocery list and a pen and start feeling better about what you eat. You can even make cooking fun again by trying out new recipes.