For decades a woman’s sole duty was to get married and have babies, to continue in the family bloodline. Now things have changed, in a more proactive time for women, women are being encouraged to set higher goals for ourselves that have stepped outside the normal standards that were set for them by our past generations.
In doing so, women, of course, have played a major role in standing up for themselves and saying, “F*** This!” and many women have now set examples by simply understanding that life isn’t to just have kids.
Here are 7 milestones women are after and you better move out the way!
1. She Is Motivated to Get A College Degree
Women are encouraged to aim higher for themselves in their educational careers. Attending colleges, getting Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, applying their degrees in a way that will better themselves in a professional career in the future.
2. Live Independently
A big step of growing up is moving on and moving out! It is time to make a little independence for yourself. Going to college, moving into a dorm room, all of these things are a rite of passage into adulthood.
3. Apply For A Dream Job
After years of schooling, it is time to find your dream job! Sounds a lot easier than the reality of it. The key is finding what you want to do and go after it! Many people spend years trying to find what they want to do with their lives, thus why early identification is crucial to obtaining your dream job to a long and fulfilling career.
4. Enough of Uber
How many of you were given a car for your 16th birthday or for your high school graduation? Or if you are like many of us who were given “hand me down” cars after your older siblings had moved on to better-looking cars? Take comfort in knowing you are not alone.
This is another important step into adulthood…buying your first car! Now no one likes to have a car payment but the reality of buying a car is most people don’t have enough savings to purchase a newer vehicle “cash down”. Buying a vehicle isn’t just about having your name on the title, purchasing a vehicle also helps boost your credit (if you pay your car payment on time of course). Both of these are very important steps towards adulthood and womanhood.
5. Caring for A Pet
Did you have a family pet growing up? Did you know that research has found that women are more likely to obtain a pet long before they have kids? 57% of women are pet owners, 34% of the 57% are cat owners, according to Pet Social Census 2016. As a form of responsibility, many women see bringing a pet into their home gives them a sense of duty to someone other than themselves.
6. Travel The World
It is time to venture out on your own! Moving away from the “family vacation” and it is time to head out on an exploration, starting to check off items on your bucket list. See the world!
7. Building A Strong Foundation
Remember that credit score we mentioned earlier? It is time to talk about finances and the importance of building a positive credit score for yourself. Growing up in the 21st century it is vital for us ladies to build a positive credit for ourselves, this will help us get selected for certain jobs, buy a better car or your first home. Everything is based upon your credit score.
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About the Author: Phylicia Stitzel grew up in a small town in Alaska. When she was 21 she joined the Navy where she became a Mass Communication’s Specialist, which is the Navy’s version of a photojournalist. This is when she fell in love with writing. Her passions include writing, photography and most importantly the combination of the two in photojournalism. I, now, currently reside in “small town America” in Idaho with my husband, who is still active duty Navy.