Love & Relationships

9 Reasons to Get Married in Your 30s, Not Your 20s


Getting married is a big deal.  Not only are you committing to be with one person for the rest of your life, you also will be changing from the world of single-hood to married-ness.  It is a drastic change that is both exciting and overwhelming and is something where the decision should be easy and hard at the same time.

So you have finally found the right partner and you want to commit to them – awesome! But where you are in that time in your life, can affect the success of your marriage.  Not because you are not committed to the relationship, but because where you are in your life can affect how you enter into your marriage.

In the old days, women were considered old by the age of twenty-five and if they were not married by then they planned to be single forever.  But in today’s times, it is more common for women to get married more in their late 20s or 30s.  So what is different between your 20s and 30s? Here are 9 reasons for considering waiting to get married in your 30s.

1. You are self-centered in your 20s

Your 20s are a time for defining who you are.  By the time you hit 30, you usually have a clearer vision of WHO you are and WHAT you are able to bring to the table.  In your 30s, you and your partner can better share your experiences without fear of the other judging you.

2. You can communicate better than in your 20s

In your 20s, you might be more inclined to resort to being passive-aggressive instead of effectively communicating.  In your 30s you will be able to talk to your partner in a manner that allows you both to be clear on what you need from the other and avoid petty arguments.

3. You know what you want

In your 30s, you will be less likely to waste time dating someone when you know it is not going anywhere.  And while you might date several people, you will not be spending time on anyone that is not the right fit for you.  When you do decide to choose to marry someone you will have a great chance of a successful future.

4. You are more confident in yourself

In your 20s, you might think you are the most confident person in the world, but the reality is that you are not as confident as you think.  By the time you hit your 30s, you have weeded through the different areas of your life and have hit your stride.  You will be able to confidently walk into your marriage knowing who you are and what you want from life.

5. You are (hopefully) more financially sound

Money is the biggest thing that couples fight about and is also one of the biggest reasons that marriages end in divorce.  You definitely do not want to walk into your marriage fighting over money.  In your 30s, you have hopefully understood the importance of managing your money properly and can walk into your marriage with little to know debt.

6. You are more secure in your career

When you are more secure in your career, you are able to focus on nurturing your relationships and not be worried about impressing your boss.

7. You know how to live alone

If you wait to get married in your 30s, you have had time to get to know yourself.  You know how to be responsible and a well-adjusted adult so you are not going into the relationship having to learn how to a responsible adult.

8. You have your own voice

In your 20s you likely feel pressured by family, friends and society in general to meet certain standards.  By the time you hit 30, you have found your own voice and are able to stand up for yourself.  This will help you also have your own voice in your relationship, while your partner also has their own voice.

9. You’ve been through a few heartbreaks and have recovered

In your 30s, you have gone through a few heartbreaks and know how you handle a breakup.  When you enter into a new relationship you know which mistakes hurt your relationships in the past and to avoid.  You also know what things work well for you and your interactions with another person.

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