Fact First – An Average Person Consumes 4500 Calories on Thanksgiving!
It took a lot of thought for you to click and starting reading this but this also proves that deep down inside you do feel that you do not look forward to gaining a few extra pounds this Thanksgiving.
We will not take away the pleasure of you filling yourself up at the table and just enjoy time with your family, but we want to help you in the long run and save your health on the weekend after Thanksgiving!
So, let’s start giving you secret health tips for this Thanksgiving!
1) Slow Roast Your Sweet Potatoes

Image Courtesy: Veg Kitchen (www.vegkitchen.com)
You might think who has the time to do that!
But wait, did you know that if you slow roast your sweet potatoes, you would not have to add any extra sugar? This is because when you slow roast your sweet potatoes, the sweet potatoes release all its sweetness and you do not have to add extra sugar.
You might do this rather than skipping on the dessert later, oh you so do not want to do that, now do you?
You may worry about the potatoes not cooking well, but we are only telling you to roast them slower, not partially.
2) Walk Around Talk to People, Help Them If They Need Anything

Image Courtesy: Brides (www.brides.com)
We know you’re fabulous company, but that is not what this means.
Rather than putting together the best Thanksgiving dinner in years or going to one, you are not just at the table to stuff yourself up and not be able to move. Eat as much as you want, just not in one sitting. Helping others around you will be a wonderful gesture that would suit your personality and also, it will allow you to walk around. These small walk will allow your digestive system to move beyond the surprise of unlimited intake of food! Yes, it might not be so used to of it.
3) Mashed Potatoes + Cauliflower = Health

Image Courtesy: Human Events (www.humanevents.com)
Yes, that does happen, and some amazing healthy chefs do that, and you may never be able to notice! There is no real change in the recipe except for adding cauliflower puree, but of course, you might be thinking, “WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I DO THAT?! I WANT MY MASHED POTATOES!”.
Well, firstly, you don’t worry about that because like we said, you won’t feel the difference, but at the same time, the addition of cauliflower simply makes the dish much lighter than usual.
4) Alcohol Is Not Going Anywhere, Trust Us, Go Easy!

Image Courtesy: She Knows (www.sheknows.com)
By now you would feel that we are not speaking in your interest, but hey, you are reading this because you care about yourself!
There is no Thanksgiving dinner without the wine you and your husband carefully picked only to open at the dinner table. That amazing sip every three bites or while catching up with your mother or sister may feel amazing, but the trick is this:
Between the alcoholic drinks, have some sparkling water! This allows you to stay hydrated and limits your alcohol calories!
5) Dry Your Turkey Well!

Image Courtesy: The Domestic Man (www.thedomesticman.com)
Yes, one of the most important things we don’t care for is drying the Turkey well. It does happen; our mind just doesn’t go there. This is primarily to make sure that the Turkey is not roasting in its own fat and the skin crisp without any extra fat.
6) Try Everything On The Table

Image Courtesy: Because Day (www.thankgiving.becauseday.net)
This is a bonus secret! Yes, you get to eat it all! But as nice as we sound right now, there is definitely a catch to it. Try everything on a smaller plate.
This will give you the chance to have a bit of everything, and when you are going out the door, you will be able to compliment the host on everything they made, but more importantly, this strategy will allow you to eat less, in smaller portions and nicely timed.
You are a person of smart, civilized choices and you will have everything without stuffing yourself completely or looking weird at the table!
Unless you have to take care of the kids, you won’t get to eat at all. Haha. Joke.
7) Gym. First Thing The Saturday After Thanksgiving!

Image Courtesy: Cenovis (www.cenovis.com.au)
Photo: Cenovis
Ideally, it should be the morning after, but we like you.
You must hit the gym on the morning of Saturday after Thanksgiving.
There is not one person who does not eat or is busy on Thanksgiving. Everyone does! It is important to let your food digest well before you try to burn it. More so, you must be tired, and there is never a real reason behind going to gym halfheartedly. You must gain some motivation and put your gym shoes on.
8) Gluten Free Turkey!

Image Courtesy: Healthy Beautiful Life (www.healthybeautifullife.com)
Yes, it is possible. There are many ways of cutting gluten out of your Thanksgiving dinner. Start off by making sure that you purchase a Gluten Free Turkey! It is definite that you didn’t expect this but some birds may be absorbed in gluten to increase the juiciness and the tenderness of the Turkey.
When you are preparing the gravy for dinner, replace cornflower with cornstarch. Both serve as an equivalent to each other and serve the same purpose!
9) Use Twice The Amount of Vegetable Stuffing!

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.net)
Your guests will be so amazed by the taste of the food, they wouldn’t realize a number of ingredients, and unlike you, they do not wish to stop eating. Increasing the amount of vegetable stuffing automatically makes the food healthy and actually tastier!
Well well, all in all, we wish you a very happy and a healthy Thanksgiving!
Read now: Secret Health Tips
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Featured Image Courtesy: Food Done Light (www.fooddonelight.com)
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