They have stuck with you through your darkest times, most embarrassing haircuts and knew you better than anyone, so it is crazy to say your best-friend is the real love of your life?
Friendship is a different kind of relationship to the one you have with a partner, but that doesn’t mean it’s of any less importance. In fact, for many people, the most significant, enduring and meaningful bond they will experience in life is with their best-friend.
Having someone, you can rely on to laugh, cry and get angry with and trust that they have your back no matter what deserves to be celebrated.
Here Are 9 Signs You’re BFF is “The One”:
1. They Know Everything About You and We Mean EVERYTHING
It’s a no-holds-bar kind of friendship. They not only know everything about your past, but there’s also literally no part of your life they don’t have access to. This includes the stuff you often don’t want to share with your significant other – like bowel movements – in fact, you guys are so close, when someone knows something about your BFF before you, you’re jealous!

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2. They’re Your Biggest Supporter
Whether it’s achieving a lifetime goal or your latest Instagram picture, your best-friend is on the sidelines cheering you on. When you go the gym once, they’re the first person to say they can see a difference and you can always rely on them to give you a boost when you’re feeling down. We all know how tough life can be and sometimes that little bit of encouragement – however, deserved – can be the reassurance we need to keep going. Best friends are gifted in spotting just when we need that little bit of extra help and are always willing to give it.
3. There’s No Judgement
You’ve both made mistakes, and sometimes you’ve argued about them too, but the main thing a best-friend is good at, is leaving judgment at the door. They’re not here to give their opinion; they’re here to help you as best they can. When you need to hear some home truths, they will be the first to dish them out, but when it comes to judging you, it’s just not what friendship is about.
4. They Will Tell You When You’re In The Wrong
It’s hard to tell someone you care about the truth, but sometimes it’s needed, and you can always rely on your best-friend to give you their honest opinion. They have no hidden agenda and only want the best for you, so when they say you have done something wrong, you know they’re right. The same goes for when you think they have crossed the line.

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5. You Can Call On Them, Day or Night
A real friend won’t care whether it’s 5 am or 2 pm, they will always take your calls and drop everything – within reason – to be there for you. You can rely on them through thick and thin and lean on them in times of hardship. You don’t feel bad because you know you would do the same and will when it’s needed.
6. Their Family Are Your Family
Their home is your home. You’re best-friends with their parents and argue and tease their sibling like they’re your own. They refer to you as part of the family, and you have even been known to hang out with their family – without them. Sometimes you even forget you’re not related.
7. You’re Jealous of Their Other Friends
The green-eyed monster isn’t reserved for just love drama, if you see someone else having in-jokes or referring to your friend as their bestie, you can fly into a full on rage. You might not get jealous of your partner, but see your BFF hanging out with a new crew, and you can become an insecure wreck. It’s all a bit of a joke though as you know deep down, you’re their number one.
8. There’s No Question Of You Not Being Friends
Everyone argues, but it doesn’t matter what the issue is you know that you will always – eventually – make up. Drifting apart isn’t an option and even though you don’t know if your current relationship will last – you know you will be growing old with them.

Image Courtesy: Two Girls and A Guy via IMDB (
9. You Can’t Imagine Life Without Them
Whether it’s the stupid selfies you exchange all day, the constant tagging in memes or the times they’ve pulled you together when life got too hard, your best-friend just makes you happy. Imagining life without them is impossible, and you know sharing all you do wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. You share the best memories, the biggest laughs, and the stupidest conversations and you wouldn’t change them for the world.
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