
9 Things A Man MUST Have Before A Woman Falls for Him

If a man finds himself unable to get a woman to fall for him or even consider a date, then he needs to read through the nine items on this list to see how he measures up. The fact of the matter is that all women are looking for these nine things in a man, and if a man doesn’t have them, there’s a good chance that she’s going to keep on looking.

Here are nine things men need to have if they want a woman to fall for them:

1. Good Communication Skills

This is first on the list because it’s often one of the first things that a woman notices in a man. To get any further than “Hi, my name is…” with a woman, a man needs to be able to communicate. This starts with small talk but expands way beyond that. A woman wants a man that she can talk to, that listens and responds.

2. Confidence

Few things turn a woman off faster than a man that’s not confident. This can be hard for some men who get nervous around women, but it’s important for a man that’s looking to charm a woman finds a way to be confident. The best way to do that is to find something they’re good at or knowledgeable in and use that as a way to connect.

3. Compatible Personality

A woman doesn’t just want a man to have a great personality. She wants him to have one that goes well with hers. Most women know what they’re looking for in a man, and if a man realizes he’s not adding up, he shouldn’t get discouraged. It just means he needs to move on and keep looking for a woman that is compatible with him.

4. Good Sense of Humor

Men don’t need to prepare a list of jokes, but he should have a good sense of humor in general. This essentially means having a positive outlook on life and being fun to be around. He shouldn’t take life too seriously as most women find that to be a huge turn-off. It also should be noted here that he should also be able to take serious things seriously as there are a time and place for everything.

5. Well-Groomed

A man doesn’t have to look like the All Spice spokesperson, but he should at least smell like him. Unless a man is at the gym, he should make sure that he’s keeping himself groomed. This simply means taking regular showers, using deodorant, brushing and styling his hair, and wearing clothes that are in good shape. She wants to know that he values himself enough to take care of himself.

6. A Real Job

As shallow as it may sound, women are looking for a man that has a real job. He doesn’t have to be making a 6-digit salary every year, but he should have some stable job in which he makes decent money. This is something that women look for when they want a serious relationship because they need to know that a man will be able to take care of them, and it proves their responsibility.

7. Respectful

This is one of the most important personality traits that a woman looks for in a man, which is why it deserves its slot. How a man treats everybody around them will give clues to a woman as to whether or not he’s a good person and worth being with. Barking orders at waiters, for example, will let a woman know a man will not respect her.

8. Respected

On the other hand, a man should also be respected by others around him if he wants to get a woman to fall for him. This is because women naturally see those who are well respected as being more desirable and worthy of their respect as well. Fortunately, the easiest way to get respect is to give it, so if a man has a previous point down, then he will likely have this one as well.

9. Let Her be Herself

Many women struggle with self-esteem that goes beyond their outward appearances. For that reason, women look for men that they feel comfortable enough with to be themselves. That means the man shouldn’t judge her for what she says and does but should appreciate her individuality. If he can allow a woman to be herself, he’ll find himself with a happy woman at his side.

Melody Cary

Originally from Michigan, Melody now enjoys working as a freelance writer from her home in Nicaragua, which she shares with her amazing husband and their crazy cat that was raised on goat’s milk from the time her mother abandoned her at just ten days old. They’re excited to be expecting their first baby, who they thought was a girl, were told was a boy, and then was told was a girl. She also recently finished her first novel and is working on making a cat coloring book.

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Melody Cary

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