Falling out of love is never a pleasant event, but it happens to the best of us. Here are the top 9 signs that she’s just not in love anymore and wants to move out of the relationship and you may want to consider what you both want to do next.
1. Communication Annihilation
Phone calls come in less and less and forget about her replying to text messages most of the time. The communication on her end seems to be at a standstill simply because she has no desire to speak with you in any way, shape, or form.
2. Devoid of Emotions or Constantly Cranky
Does it feel like she’s either always angry with you or doesn’t have an ounce of care for anything involving you? All women react in their way, but it’s usually one extreme or the other. This is a definite red flag that her love for you is dwindling. This is the sign that she wants to move out of the relationship.
3. No Need for Sex
Sex is usually the first thing to go when a woman is falling out of love. It is a show of affection for a couple and, if the love isn’t there, most of the time, anything sexual just isn’t fascinating anymore.
4. Focuses on Her Needs Only
A woman falling out of love will often seek out a way to feel better, and that usually involves her focusing on what she wants and completely forgetting about you. Perhaps she’s treating herself to new cute clothes or way more into going to the gym than she ever has before?
5. The Sparks Have Disappeared
There’s no more cute giggling or passion of any sort, and she seems to be just plain distant. If you feel the spark has gone between the two of you, it’s going to be a rough road ahead. Sparks are hard to get back but not impossible.
6. Cuddling is a Distant Memory
Remember when the two of you would cozy up on the couch, find a good show to binge on Netflix, and cuddle the crap out of each other? If that is a thing of the past (but not on your part), she could be feeling less than enthusiastic about your relationship. This is another sign that she wants to move out of this relationship.
7. Cringes at Any PDA
A lot of women who aren’t in love anymore will begin to despise any public displays of affection from their partner. They aren’t interested in hand-holding and certainly aren’t into even the smallest of kisses. It will be practically disgusting to them.
8. Constant Pointless Arguing
Walking on eggshells and getting sucked into the most random and pointless arguments? Yep, “she’s just not that into you anymore” is the understatement of the year!
9. Avoids Conversation
If conversations between the two of you have come to a halt, it’s time to think about what should happen next. Happy couples regularly converse with each other so if she is avoiding all attempts to have even a general conversation it’s a warning sign and this means that she wants to move out of this relationship.
If you are unfortunate enough to have a partner falling out of love, there’s only one thing to do: talk to them. See what the problems are and discuss what options may be best for both of you.
If you both want to move on then so be it but some things are worth saving, so it’s up to both of you to make that call. The heart wants what it wants, but neither party can do anything about the situation unless they put it all out on the table and give it their best effort.