This study was published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Series and it claims that couples, who drink together have better and stronger relationships and the drinking affects especially women in the relationships.
The study examined couples who were 50 years old or older.
The results showed that the relationships, where both consumed alcohol or neither did, were much happier ones than the ones where one drank and other did not. So it is important for the happy couples to have the same feeling and action towards alcohol.
Image Courtesy: Esquire
The relationships, where only one drank, where reported to be much more unsatisfied (especially by women).
Women, who consumed alcohol said that if their partner drank alcohol as well, the positive marital quality increased over time and the exact opposite happened when their partner did not consume alcohol.
So how could this be true?
Well there are lot of suggestions. For example, it could mean that couples who relax and have fun together (drinking or not) are more connected and satisfied with each other.
The marital quality can increase also because of having the same principles and views.
Image Courtesy: Faby Feed
If partners do not agree on such big subject as consuming alcohol, it can cause a lot of arguments and misunderstanding, which also makes one half unhappy. The last thought is proven by the study, which said that it actually does not matter how much couples drink, but do they drink or not.
Still it is important to remember, that being happier overall does not mean that these relationships are absolutely problem free. A scientist from University of Michigan also pointed out that drinking among older people is becoming a big problem (especially among baby boomers, who are very accepting to the use of alcohol).
The study showed drinking problems among 20% of researched men and 6% of women. People with drinking problem usually have very disruptive relationships, which is an important issue to point out and should be looked into more. As always – moderation is key and one should definitely not drink too much.
And if one does not know the limits, they should not drink at all and find other activates to do with their loved one.