Everyone wants to meet their soulmate but figuring out who they are can be tricky.
You can be head over heels in love with someone and find out they’re still not the right person, which is why it’s important to understand what a soulmate is and how they affect your life.
A soulmate isn’t judged on chemistry, attraction or even compatibility. In most cases, your soulmate, won’t look how you imagined, won’t have the perfect personality you have been fantasizing about and in some cases, it will be the exact opposite of what you were expecting.
It’s easy to spot soulmates, they are those couples that are two halves of the same coin and even among a big group of friends when they’re talking to other people, they have an obvious natural affinity.
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
When you think of couples like this, they will often be unable to put their finger on why exactly they work like this and give a knowing smile and say it just feels “right.”
That’s because the connection and the deep natural affinity between two souls have nothing to do with looks or what hobbies you do, the way you judge your soulmate is how they affect you.
A soulmate, simply, is the person who brings out the real “you.”
They uncover your original or true self, the person you were before life damaged and changed you and inspires the confidence and hope to become the most authentic version of yourself. A soulmate looks beyond what you present to the world and lovingly embraces the person you are inside.
If you want to judge if you’ve met your soulmate look away from those usual indicators, you look for in a partner and think about how they make you feel. Consider how your partner makes you feel not just when you are together, but when you are around others and how you have changed since they came into your life.
They might not make you happy all of the time, but they’re the person who sees you for exactly who you are. A soulmate isn’t always going to make your life easier or spoil you, or lavish you with gifts. But they will see you for who you really and help you become that person, which is a priceless gift in a partner.
Featured Image Courtesy: Wanderlust Couple © Yoann Boyer/Unsplash
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