Amanda Clark

A Lot More Happens in The Womb Than An Ultra Sound Shows

Many can agree that pregnancy is a miracle. A woman carries a baby in her womb for nine months and… Read More

7 years ago

Learning To Be A ‘Second Wife’

The title of this article may be a bit misleading because honestly, I don’t know if I will ever truly… Read More

7 years ago

Why My Husband and I Waited 7 Years to Tie The Knot

Seven years, that is how long my husband and I waited to tie the knot. We lived together for six,… Read More

7 years ago

Contraceptive App ‘Natural Cycles’ is Under Fire for Causing 37 Unexpected Pregnancies

Have you ever heard of an app called Natural Cycles? Well, this app, which is highly prevalent in Europe is… Read More

7 years ago

Parents Who Raise Strong Resilient Children Do These Five Things

As a teacher, I have witnessed a change in kids from when I was young. I will be blunt: It… Read More

7 years ago

More Pregnant Women Are Smoking Pot Than Ever Before, Recent Study Finds

A recent study found that more pregnant women are using pot than ever before. The Kaiser Permanente Northern California research… Read More

7 years ago

INFJ: What Is It Like to Be The World’s Rarest Personality Type

It has always been fascinating for me to take personality tests. Ever since taking those quizzes in Seventeen magazine as a young… Read More

7 years ago