Daniel Parker

Start with Loving Yourself

You struggle when you are not at peace with yourself and there is no other way to state that. Why… Read More

5 years ago

Recognizing Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms of Someone

Let’s get one fact straight, narcissism isn’t a disease and if you can relate to this article you have nothing… Read More

5 years ago

The Many Reasons for you to Keep Going

You will have to keep motivation to keep going in order to keep growing. Life can be tough sometimes, it… Read More

5 years ago

The Stereotypes We Need To Break!

Our society is made up of many different nations and many different customs, agendas, religions and thinking process follows. Our… Read More

5 years ago

Reasons Why Time Spent Alone Is Productive

Being productive is very hard when you have so many distractions near you. Friends, family and your social networks always… Read More

5 years ago

Things to Know about a Leo

From July 23rd till August 23rd, it’s Leo time! They're known to be ruled by the sun and to be… Read More

5 years ago

Smells and Nostalgia

Did you know that most of the memories you make are registered and distinguished on the basis of smell? Smells… Read More

5 years ago