A hobby that one possesses says a lot about his personality and character. People who read a lot as a hobby are often thought of as being introverted and antisocial. They seem to be immersed in their books when you see them outside. You might think that a bookworm would never strike a conversation first or isn’t talkative. So, reading books is stereotypically considered a reclusive hobby.
People who don’t read books think that watching tv is more entertaining than sitting alone and reading a book of 300 pages or more. One might believe that tv watching peers must have good social skills as compared to book worms. It can be considered valid as two people are more likely to watch the same show rather than read the same book. However, British research at Kingston University proved this stereotypical view of bookworms as antisocial wrong.
The research was survey-based and 123 individuals took part in it. Different questions were asked anonymously. The questions were about their choice of entertainment; like if they like to read books or watch tv shows. The kind of genre that they prefer like comedy, fiction, drama, or romance. It also included some personal questions such as how they react in a certain social situation. If anyone asks for help, do they help them readily or not and do they consider the point of view of other people or not.
Bookworms Versus TV Watchers
The researcher Rose Turner concluded that people who read are ranked high in kindness and empathy. They have better sociable behavior and compassion for others. She found a direct link between book reads and their empathy levels. The results showed that people who read books are nicer than the ones who watch Tv. TV watchers display more antisocial behavior.
The study showed that fiction impacts an individual’s emotional intelligence and empathy in different ways. Rose turner said that all fiction is not equal. Readers who like comedy find themselves more relatable to people. Whereas the drama genre developed more sensitivity and understanding for others’ feelings.
How does it Happen?
You might be wondering how exactly reading a lot of books increases the compassion level and boosts your interpersonal skills. This happens because the missing literature in the books urges the readers to use their emotions and feelings to understand how a certain character is feeling in the story. To fill the gaps as you read the book, you develop intense feelings which make your empathetic skills stronger.
On the other hand, on the TV show, you are already provided with much more information and the actor can depict the emotions deeply. The character lays out their feelings carefully. But when you read a book, you have to dig deeper within yourself and discover another level of sentiment. Hence, this helps to enhance kindness and friendly behavior.
In research at Stanford University, it was found that reading provides your brain a workout in different cognitive functions. It allows the blood to flow in various areas of the brain and improves connectivity. People who read a lot of books also have a good memory. They have great vocabulary and comprehension which makes them amazing orators. When you talk to a bookworm, they provide you with knowledgeable facts. They are very passionate.
However, it is still questionable if reading makes you compassionate or is it just compassionate people who read books. Though you can still binge-watch your favorite Netflix shows as it has its benefits, don’t forget to read a book once in a while to discover the inner depth of your emotions and empathy. It will certainly make you a better person who will understand the perceptions of other people and help them out to cope with the troubles of life.
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