
A High-Salt Diet Can Have A Strange Affect On Your Brain

We all know that too much salt is bad for us and can cause heart problems and high blood pressure.… Read More

7 years ago

Some People Find Intelligence Sexy; Study Proves Sapiosexuality Is The Real Deal

All the attention that the pop culture term sapiosexual receives has proven that we think brains are hot. After all,… Read More

7 years ago

9 Everyday Habits That Are Giving You Insomnia and How to Deal With It

Some people are naturally early risers and love mornings. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people. I still must… Read More

7 years ago

Stimulating Electricity Through The Brain May Allow People to Lucid Dream, Study Finds

For as long as people have been dreaming, there have been those who were able to control their dreams, which… Read More

7 years ago

7 Exceptional Women from History You’ve Never Heard Of, But Should Have

There are so many famous men from history that we’ve all learned about in school, but what about the exceptional… Read More

7 years ago

Loneliness Is Deadlier Than Obesity, Study Says

Many people around the world suffer from loneliness daily. A study of this social problem suggests that it is even… Read More

7 years ago

For The First Time in 150 Years, Lunar Eclipse Will Coincide with A Blue Moon

The year may have just begun, but it looks like the sky is already giving us some compelling reasons to… Read More

7 years ago

Wife’s Happiness Is More Important Than Husband’s for A Lasting Relationship, Study Finds

You’ve probably heard the expression—“When momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Well, according to a new study by Rutger’s University,… Read More

7 years ago

People Love Dogs More Than They Love Other Humans, According to Science

It’s no secret that some dog owners treat their dogs like children and love them, so it should also be… Read More

7 years ago

Who Each Personality Type Should Marry? (Based on Myers Briggs Test)

The most important decision a person makes in their life is who they’re going to marry. Because marriage is a… Read More

7 years ago