I’m not too sure why discussing postpartum depression seems taboo. When I had my first child in 2012, call me naïve, I...
Some of us have more heightened senses than others. This means they feel the environment and the people around them much better....
Without a doubt, sleep deprivation was what I prepared for the least. I adopted my children through the foster care system; they...
I gave up everything to be here even though I knew it was all problematic at best. If I’d had known that...
Some of the people have actual personalities, which means it is easy to be with them. Others can be quite difficult to...
There’s no general answer on how to correctly love someone who has severe PTSD, but I’ll bring up a few pointers that...
All Humans are not the Same. We all have our positive side, but good never comes without bad. The negative personality traits...
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