It is known that before the Autumn Equinox, there are a lot of deaths and rebirths that have occurred in people’s lives....
Do you ever feel out of place for not wanting a constant companion when all of your friends are miserable without one?...
My parents divorced when I was pretty young, it was devastating. My dad cheated on my mom and I thought that was...
Girls magazines are pretty much all fluff, and nothing is really substantial. It’s not something I noticed as a teen myself, but...
You thought he was the one and ignored all the warning signs. Now it seems too late, and you have physical injuries...
You’ve just gone through a painful split, and all you want to do is forget your ex ever existed. Annoyingly though, you...
Dear “Dad”, Thanks for walking out on our family when I was 8. Thanks for instilling the deep-set insecurities that have contributed...
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