Many houses throughout the country burn scented candles all year-round. With ocean scents for summer and pumpkin spice for fall, it’s easy...
My parents divorced when I was pretty young, it was devastating. My dad cheated on my mom and I thought that was...
You thought he was the one and ignored all the warning signs. Now it seems too late, and you have physical injuries...
Dear “Dad”, Thanks for walking out on our family when I was 8. Thanks for instilling the deep-set insecurities that have contributed...
My whole family is what we call “Cold-hearted.” We joke about how we don’t express our affection and are very awkward huggers....
Empathic children, as all empathic people, feel other people’s emotion strongly. They can instantly tell if someone is not being authentic or...
It’s easy to get caught up in anger, especially if you had a bad day at work or in an argument with...
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