Becoming pregnant may be as easy as 1, 2, 3 for some couples, but for many, it is an agonizing process full of uncertainty and shattered hopes each month. Constantly trying to conceive can become frustrating, depressing, and chore-like for some people.
This is why many couples end up fighting and tend to drift apart during the process, whereas, the entire purpose of conception is to bring couples closer and strengthen their bond as a family. In such circumstances, it is always comforting to have some reminders which can help you have a clear vision and prevent you from drifting away from your goal and fall into the bottomless pit of depression.
Get Busy, Get Productive
This the easiest way to get that two-week wait between ovulation and possible pregnancy off of your mind. This is very important because not doing so will only make you more anxious and restless. Your emotions during this time will likely be all over the place and the best thing to do to overcome negative thoughts and emotions is to invest your energy in something productive.
Do something that will make you happy, it can be anything! You can spend time learning a new skill or refresh a previously learned one. You can also make a list of things you have always wanted to do and never got the time for. Maybe a long-pending date with your partner?….or planning a sleepover with friends to catch up!
Hoarding on Pregnancy Tests Will Only Cause Problems
A lot of women like to keep a stash of all kinds of cheap drugstore pregnancy tests at home so that they can use them quickly and easily. Having some tests at hand can save you the time and effort you will have to go through when you really need to perform an emergency test.
But most of the time these tests only unnecessarily increase curiosity and anxiety levels and do more harm than good. Reassure yourself that testing, again and again, is not going to change what is bound to happen, rather it will only cause you to repeatedly go through heartbreak and hopelessness.
The calmer your mind and body are, the easier it will be to conceive. This can surely be a little tricky, but for many couples who do not have any underlying medical cause for their infertility, elevated stress levels are the primary risk factor. So, only keep a few pregnancy tests at home, and decide when you will be using them beforehand.
For example, one test for the day after you miss your period, one test for the week after to make a conclusive diagnosis, and maybe 2 to 3 more just to be on the safe side.
Take Your Periods Positively
The human body works amazingly well with positive affirmations. The more you keep praising your body and its functions, the better it will perform! So if after that painfully long wait you get periods yet again….don’t feel down. Be happy and thankful because many women suffer due to irregular cycles, and so getting periods on time is a great sign, even though it is not what you were looking forward to.
Cycles after cycles of infertility treatments, miscarriages, doctor visits, and lab tests with no results can surely get the best of you, and feeling down may totally be justified. Yet feeling depressed for too long and wallowing will only make your body weaker for the next cycle.
Think Outside The World Of Infertility
Yes, conception is your primary goal at the moment, but when it’s not working out as you want it to try to shift your focus onto other goals of your life that you once wished to achieve. Many times we get so caught up in the never-ending cycle of infertility treatments that we forget to live our lives! Make sure your conversations with friends and family are on topics other than your last doctor’s visit or your test results or getting a negative pregnancy test again. In many cases, it has been observed that when couples stopped actively trying for a baby was when they were actually able to conceive because they were free from all the stress and pressures attached to the process.
Acknowledge Your Emotions
This is not an easy road and you know it better than anyone else. The purpose of diverting your mind from all the negativity is not to force you into believing that everything is OK! Sometimes everything is not OK…and that’s perfectly fine. You must always remember to acknowledge these difficult feelings and emotions and sail through them with your commitment towards your goal. Just make sure that your commitment is not driven by anxiety and restlessness instead of peace and patience.
Get Help If Needed
You can reach out to your friends for help and support, or join a support group where you can interact with couples who are currently going through or previously went through a similar situation. You might even get to hear some very motivating success stories and also learn some tried and tested tips and tricks that can help you in making your pregnancy journey a bit easier.
Both men and women are impacted in different ways during infertility treatments. If at any point you feel that your emotions are taking over you, or your relationship with your partner starts to suffer amidst all this, then make sure to seek professional help and feel no shame in doing so!