If you are someone who’s trying hard to figure out your life and want to achieve a lot from it, you are at the right place.
You know most of us have a lot to achieve and really do have the potential but the only thing that holds us back is our confused minds.
Let me tell you one thing, at first, setting your life goals might be a little hard and puzzling at the same time, but once you sort it out you’ll see how things fall in the right places.
Why Setting Goals Is Important For Us
Goals big or small, they can be the stepping stones for us to a happy and successful life ahead.
Goals not only make us focused and determined but also helps us create a purpose, something that we can work for and in the end we can say, ”Man, it was worth it!”. Not only are the goals important for a successful life but also for our own development.
They create a roadmap to success. Setting life goals empowers us to live our vision with power.
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar
It is true that achieving life goals is not an effortless task, but here are a few ways on how to set goals in life and achieve them as well:
How to Set Life Goals
Here’s how to start, follow these steps and you will find your purpose:
Think of the things that you need
This can include the things that are important to you in life. Maybe the things that you want to do in life. Here’s a tip, you don’t have to be specific, and this can include anything like travelling, something related to money, job, etc.
Read how travelling helps you find inner peace.
Write it down and prioritize
Now once you have stated the things that you want in life, you need to write them down in detail or may be making a list, brainstorm and be clear.
The process of writing them down will help you clarify the desire and importance of the goals to you. Prioritize them so you know which one is more important to you and so it stays a center of focus for you.
How do you see your future?
If you are not certain of the things you want in life, that’s normal many times we are not sure about the things that we need, so here is little tip for you.
Imagine your future, how do you see yourself. And this way maybe it will make a little sense to you and then you can work a little to achieve them.
Let’s make it easier for you, answer a few questions like; where do you see yourself after 5 or ten years? How much money do you want to make? And so on…
Goal should be realistic, specific and measurable
When you are setting actionable goals make sure that they are in agreement with your overall vision. Often people become a lot broader when they are deciding their goals.
This means that they may be unsure of the specific thing that they need because if the goals are not specific it might distract you.
A specific goal does not take you around in circles and puts you at the right course of action. And for the unrealistic goals, it is very obvious that anything that you do won’t escort you anywhere near it, wasting your time, money, life and what not.
When you measure a goal you stay on track.
Determine why you want to achieve all this
Now that you are clear about the goals, ask yourself why you want to achieve the specific goal? This will give you the reasons that you need to achieve the goal. And will end up making you more determined.
Create schedules and timelines
Start creating schedules and deadlines for your goal, making sure every day brings you closer to them. And if not re think over the reasons you stated of why you want to achieve these goals.
Create a reward system
Now as humans we know we can’t wait for long without seeing any benefits. So make a reward system for yourself and make sure you treat yourself every time you achieve a task that leads you to the goal.
Identify the obstacles
If you feel you are being hindered by anything identify it and work to get it out of your way.
Tell people about your goals
This means telling likeminded people. Because remember everyone will not appreciate you so stay close to those who will. Likeminded people can also give good suggestions. Will help you in more ways.
You are all ready to start working for your goals. Here is how:
Start working today
The secret to achieving your goal is to get started one step at a time. Don’t waste your time and be focused on the deadlines you have created. As humans we get diverted and distracted very easily. You need to be focused.
Create the right environment
This will not only make sure that you are focused but will help you reminded by the goals you have set.
Stay committed, concentrated and motivated
Goal achievement really requires you to stay committed and could also ask for certain sacrifices.
Track your progress, and work on it daily
Don’t waste a single day. Keep a journal or a diary with you. And keep track.
Wrapping Up
One of the biggest challenges is either failing or when people discourage you and tell you, you aren’t capable or your aim is too high.
And that’s when you back off. However, focus on not giving up so that you may reach your goal in spite of some people’s insistence that it is impossible for you.
There will always be detractors and there will always be hurdles. How you are going to handle them makes all the difference in the world. Follow these steps and don’t let them tell you you’re no good!
Good Luck!