Zoos induce rather mixed feelings; of course, you get to see your favorite animals up close, but then again, they are in captivity, and that’s not something great. All of that aside though, zoos are, in general, enjoyable places. Zoos that contain animals, that is.
But isn’t that the only kind of zoo there is? Well, we’re sorry to disappoint you; until the very recent future, another kind of zoo existed – human zoos. That’s right – human beings in captivity, and exhibited – funnily, to other human beings who paid to see them.
Believe us? No? Maybe you will after you see these pictures.
In a grand, albeit twisted display of power, the French, in a bid to promote their colonizing power, built six villages in the Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale, each representative of the Madagascar, Indochine, Sudan, Congo, Tunisia and Morocco – French colonies at the time, for an exhibition which lasted from May through October 1907.
In 1810, 20-year-old Sarah “Saartjie” Baartman was recruited by an exotic animal-dealer to be “exhibited”. With the promise and expectation of wealth and fame, Sarah traveled to London with him, where what followed was far from promised; having a genetic condition that led to Sarah possessing protruding buttocks and an elongated labia, she was the topic of much speculation and attraction. She was dressed in tight-fitting clothes and exhibited at sideshow attractions; she was exhibited as being a “novelty” – something “exotic”. She died, steeped in poverty, only to have her skeleton, brain, and sexual organs displayed in the Museum of Mankind in Paris till 1974. In 2002, following then-President Nelson Mandela’s request, her remains were repatriated. (source)
This exhibit was among the most popular there, and was even visited by Otto von Bismarck.
These human displays were incredibly popular and were shown at world fairs across the world, from Paris to New York.
The 1931 exhibition in Paris was so successful that 34 million people attended it in six months; a smaller counter-exhibition – “The Truth on the Colonies”, organized by the Communist Party, attracted very few visitors.(source)
All of them died within a year.
Organised by the white Americans, The Savages’ Olympics consisted of Native Americans and other tribesmen from several corners of the world, such as Africa, South America, The Middle East, and Japan. The idea for an Olympics featuring these “savages” sprung from games director James Edward Sullen’s suggestion to implement this in order to prove that the “savages” were less athletic in comparison to “civilised”, white Americans. (source)
Disclaimer: This article was first published by Unbelievable Facts and Thinking Humanity
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