Wouldn’t it be useful to understand how females think when it comes to dating?Luckily DonQ Rum created a panel of 150 women for a LadyData project, and got answers directly from the source.
Here’s what they found.
When it comes to being asked out on a date, the majority of women surveyed, want a man to ask them out in person. An overwhelming 65% of women would prefer you to ask them out directly, 27% considered by phone to be acceptable but only 8% were okay with texting.
Interestingly, 0% of women were happy to be asked out over social media.
So, you may be considering asking them out (in person of course) but how do you know if they’re interested? What are they looking for in a date? Well if you have a sense of humor you’re pretty much in there, 48% of those surveyed ranked sense of humor as their favorite trait. Intelligence was up there with 27% and 18% focused on success.
Amazingly, strength (4%) and looks (2%) ranked lowest.
With so much of your personal life readily available on the internet, how many women are likely to have a peek on Google or social media to find out more about before your date? Only 34% would Google their date, mainly to check that they’re a real person and don’t have a criminal past.
When it comes to stalking your Facebook profile, the majority of women, 40%, will just have a peek at your bio but 39% will also look at your entire profile!

Image Courtesy: ValetMag
So, what do they find attractive in you?
68% of women like a man with stubble but only 2% prefer a full beard. When it comes to manscaping, 44% say you should just keep it tidy. Don’t overload your cologne, a woman just wants to be able to smell it when she’s close to you.
Downing shots on your date is considered a turn off and 61% of women prefer a man to drink liquor.
Everything has gone well on date one, how many dates should you wait before inviting her back to your place?
Most of the women surveyed, with 43% of the votes, thought three dates was acceptable. 28% had no problem with two dates, 18% said they’d be happy after one date and just 11% wanted to wait until date 4.