With 2020 being around the corner, many of us find ourselves pondering what will become of our lives in the coming year. For single girls, a solid New Year’s resolution will be just the motivation needed to start the new year out right!
Here are 21 resolutions for 2020:
1. Get Your Cute Butt to the Gym
Your body won’t tone itself ladies, and if you want to rock that single girl flare you must better look the part too!
Don’t forget about the endless display of muscle-bound hunks you’ll have for eye candy while you’re showing that treadmill who’s boss.
2. Refresh Your Wardrobe
2019 is out the door and, with that, you owe it to yourself to ring in the new year with a new you. Take on a new style, wear something daring, maybe even buy that scandalous pair of leather boots you’ve been drooling over.
3. Embrace the Single Life
No more relationship restrictions for you!
Enjoy the single life for a while before getting into anything serious just yet. Freedom to be yourself is a beautiful thing, soak it all in, girl!
4. Stop Settling for Losers
There’s a reason you are single, and you know it: you settled for someone, and it apparently didn’t pan out. There’s nothing wrong with having standards; you deserve more than some broke guy that still lives in his mother’s basement!
5. Quit Smoking (If You Do)
Seriously, it’s going to be 2020, who smokes anymore?! Knock it off already; no one likes to lick an ashtray.
6. Get a New Hairstyle
There’s no easier way to repeat the same boring year than to keep that same old, tired hairstyle you’ve had. Book an appointment at the nearest salon and let that stylist put their talents to good use!
7. Quit Hooking Up at the Bar
No one goes to the bar to find true love, only trouble. Unless you want to be another notch on their belt, steer clear of alcohol-fueled hook-ups.
8. Stop Repeating Yourself
History has a way of repeating itself but, in the end, it’s up to you to stop doing the same things that got you in trouble the first ten times.
9. Learn a New Craft
There is always something we’ve wanted to learn but never have. Seize the opportunity to take a sewing class or learn how to cook gourmet food. You never know who you could end up meeting!
10. Go After That Promotion
Single life can get boring, but a good way to keep those idle hands from getting you into trouble is to focus on your work life. Take the time to earn that raise or finally get your boss to recognize you for that promotion you deserve.
11. Take Time to Be Yourself
Use your newly found free time to look within yourself. Identify your pros and cons to better yourself. Self-discovery can be a powerful tool.
12. Try Something New
Variety is the spice of life and trying new; exciting things can amp up that attitude. How do you know you don’t like salsa dancing unless you try it at least once?
13. No More Hanging Out
If a guy wants to date you, don’t let him dumb it down to just hanging out on your couch. You deserve a real date, don’t settle for anything less.
14. Spend More Time with Friends
Women need women; it’s as simple as that. Set aside more time to spend with your gal pals, it’s beyond therapeutic for both the body and the soul.
15. Quit Accepting Excuses
Whether you are making the excuses or someone else is trying every excuse in the book to rationalize their poor behavior, only you can put a stop to it. No more excuses. Period.
16. Get Rid of the Clutter
While some memories we treasure, there are others we certainly don’t. Get rid of the clutter in your home and your life. Simplicity is truly enlightening.
17. No More Negativity on Social Media
Too many people find it acceptable to post about their entire lives, especially about the bad stuff we go through. Stop posting bad parts of your life online; no one needs to know the inner workings of your life but those you hold close to your heart. Confide in them, not the public; they just don’t care.
18. Stay Informed About Your Health
Don’t be afraid to get that annual check-up. Don’t take it as far as running to the emergency room every time your stomach feels funny but staying ahead of the game and apprised of your health status can only help you in the long run.
19. No More Mooches
Being nice is one thing but letting people walk all over your kind soul will just end in heartache. Stand up for the strong, single woman you know you are.
20. Start That Rainy Day Fund
We all love money and having a little extra on the side will raise your spirits. You never know when you’re going to need new tires on your car!
21. Say No to Dating Apps
Let’s face it; dating apps are nothing but people looking for flings, regardless of what they say to your face. Stay off of them and avoid a lousy crowd altogether.
No matter what you pick for your New Year’s resolution for 2020, just remember one thing: it is solely up to you to stick with it. You can do it if you stay strong and committed to the cause.
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