It is the question that has been plaguing us since the beginning of time; it isn’t whether the chicken or the egg came first. It is whether people would choose food or sex. Now, we have a definitive answer. It turns out that most women put food above getting down and dirty with their partners.
As we all know, there are plenty of benefits to both food and sex. But it turns out even the best orgasms don’t beat the feeling of a full stomach. Or so this research suggests.
2013 brought us a ground-breaking discovery after seven years of extensive research. In the survey, at regular intervals over the seven years, each participant was asked to choose between giving up oral sex or cheese. A large forty-two percent of the seniors interviewed opted to keep cheese in their life instead of oral sex.
Only thirty percent opted to keep sex, and the remainder of the participants gave unclear answers. What is even more interesting is that the majority of women were among those willing to give up oral for cheese. It is incredible to consider that so many people prefer an item of food to such an intimate act, but the more you believe it, the more it seems to make sense.
However, if you are feeling skeptical about the results, there is more supporting evidence. The Women’s Wellness Survey conducted recently by Everyday Health asked 3000 American women their opinions on different aspects of wellness. In the section dedicated to food and sex, some fascinating results were discovered.
1. Women place an incredible meal higher on their priorities than a night of passion
The 3000 women involved in the survey were given a tricky ultimatum. They were asked to choose between ‘amazing sex’ and ‘amazing meal.’ It might come as a surprise to some, but 73 percent of the participants wanted the meal above the intercourse.
Why is it that someone could choose something so menial over something so meaningful? There is an interesting theory by Lauren Streicher to explain these passionate foodies. She claims that while a meal is reliable, sex can sometimes be painful or unenjoyable. Most people are more likely to have had a bad sexual experience, whereas not many people have awful interactions with food.
In the end, it could be that those who chose food as the better option merely want guaranteed pleasure. Let’s be fair, when has McDonald’s ever let you down? Fewer times than a man, most likely.
2. Millennials were more likely to pick sex than Baby Boomers
The study took into account the age groups studied and whether they would be more likely to opt one way or another. Interestingly, despite research that suggests Baby Boomers have the most sex, they were more likely to choose a good meal over sex. In fact, 81% of them were more inclined towards food.
However, there wasn’t much of a difference with millennials. A massive 72% of them were also in favor of food fantasies instead of sexual ones.
3. Married women put food first in the survey
Don’t tell their husbands and wives! According to the results, women who were married mostly chose food over sex, with 77% of them in favor of eating.
According to this survey, though, it doesn’t make much of a difference whether you are single or in a long-term relationship. 72% of the single ladies interviewed also opted for good food above sex. Even women in relationships who were unmarried only had 32% who chose sex above food.
4. Mothers opted for food first
Though the results between mothers and non-mothers didn’t differ much, non-mothers were more likely to want food before sex. 72% of women with kids chose food, but whopping three-quarters of non-mothers were more interested in the prospect of an excellent meal.
5. Surprisingly, those with lousy sex lives still chose food
You might expect those in unsatisfying romances to crave good sex, but this isn’t the case. 75% of those who reported having a lousy sex life still chose food above sex. It goes back to the theory that good food is more reliable. Even 69% of women who had good sex weekly were more inclined to choose food.
6. Self-employed women were the least attracted to the food option. However.
…the majority still chose food! 69% percent of them were interested in good food over good sex. However, this was quite a significant drop from the 80% of retired women who chose food too.
There is plenty more supporting evidence for the theory that women prefer food to sex. In 2014, a study discovered that in a group of French women, 74% of them opted for food over sex. After all of the above evidence, it doesn’t even come as a surprise anymore.
Furthermore, a more specific study in 2012 found that 39% of women would give up sex for an entire year if it meant they could continue eating their favorite food.
So next time your husband or wife initiates sex, and you’d much instead be ordering a Chinese, know you’re not alone. Food orgasms do exist, and from the evidence above, it seems they’re pretty convincing.
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