Zodiac signs have the power to influence our behavior and personality. That’s why it is important to keep them in mind when choosing a partner for life. One should not undervalue their influence, because they actually say a lot about the person, their goals, passions and values.
Zodiac signs also help to decide, who should you date and who should you avoid. Finding true love is not that easy, especially when the first phase – falling in love – ends and you are stuck with reality and everyday problems.
Find out, who would be your best boyfriend according to your Zodiac sign and from who should you run as far away as you can:
1. Aries woman (March 21 – April 19)
The Aries are fierce and confidence women, who do not want to be told how to do things. They love to make their own mistakes and learn from them. They are very independent and bold and can handle every challenge that life throws in their way.
Date: Caner
Cancer men are social and charming. They fall very easily in love with Aries women strong and powerful energy. They both bring out the best in each other.
Don’t date: Leo
Leos are far too dominant and controlling for Aries girls. They both want to be in charge and make decision and either of them is willing to make compromises. So it would be very difficult for them to be together and even if it works for a little while, their egos will eventually break them up.

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2. Taurus woman (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus love comfort. They want to have security and be a little bit spoiled. Taurus women are very committed and when they are in a relationship, they devote themselves fully to their partner.
Date: Taurus
The Taurus fit perfectly with each other. When they find each other, they can be total soul mates and together forever. They have the same features, passions and they understand each other without even saying a word.
Don’t date: Leo
Leos are too dominant and power-oriented for Taurus. They have big ambitions and they tend to focus on their career, but Taurus women need to feel that they are the most important and special things in their partner’s life.
3. Gemini woman (May 21 – June 20)
Geminis are endless romantics. They believe in true love and enjoy watching romantic comedies. Gemini women are very caring and loving. They are also social and can fit in any crowd well. It is very easy for them to make new friends.
Date: Cancer
Cancer men look for a steady and serious relationship and Gemini women want the same thing. They both need someone they can count on and feel safe with. The only thing a Gemini woman needs from her man is romance and flirting and when the Cancer man remembers this, they are all good.
Don’t date: Scorpio
Scorpios are too emotional and fiery for Gemini women. Geminis want stability and security, but Scorpio men tend to get jealous and because of that cause scenes all the time. They will eventually drive each other insane.
4. Cancer woman (June 21 – July 22)
Cancer women want to find people who think alike. They want to share their passions and thoughts with their close ones. Cancer women are very intelligent and because of that a bit emotional as well. They have a great sense of humor and they are always the stars of the conversation.
Date: Libra
The Libra men are stable and confident. They are also great communicators and talk through all kinds of misunderstanding and problems. Libras are also intelligent and that’s why they match best with Cancer women – they can have long interesting discussions over important topics.
Don’t date: Scorpio
Scorpio men are too fiery and intense for Cancer women. Both signs can get easily jealous, which is not a great mix. Scorpios tend to get too dominant, but Cancer do not like to be told how to act or think, they need their independence.

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5. Leo woman (July 23 – August 22)
Leos are confident and they have quite the ego. They like to be adored and appreciated. But when they find true love, they are totally committed and loyal to their partner. They are not willing to give up easily or walk away when things get sour.
Date: Scorpio
Both signs are very powerful and dominant, but if you put them together, they somehow work. When they love each other, they respect each other as well, which means that they listen to their partner and do not try to decide things for them.
Don’t date: Aquarius
Aquarius are too soft and sweet for the Leo women. Leo women want to be with a powerful man, but Aquarius is not the one to stand up for himself and fight back. When these two would be in a relationship, the Leo woman would be bored very fast.
6. Virgo woman (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo women like to spend time by themselves and are not very social. They have a lot of interesting ideas and they are very creative, but it is hard to get to open up. It is very hard to understand her and to see the real her, but when she finally opens herself up, she is yours for good. Virgos are very loyal and will stay by your side through thick and thin.
Date: Capricorn
Capricorn men will have the patience to give her time to open up. They won’t also give up easily. They even like the fact that Virgos are a bit secretive and hard to read at first, it feels like a challenge to them. When these two are honest with each other, their relationship will flourish and last for a long time.
Don’t date: Cancer
Cancer men are too emotional and impatient to wait for her to open up. They do not like the mysterious side of the Virgos. Both signs are quite sensitive, which means a lot of arguing and fighting.
7. Libra woman (September 23 – October 22)
Libra women are very self-aware and they know exactly what they want. Libras are also very determined and they are not willing to give up before they get the results they desire. They will only settle for the best of the best. They are also social and get along with others very well.
Date: Leo
When they get past their egos, these signs are the perfect match. They will love each other passionately and stay loyal. Both are ambitions and they can motivate and support each other to get to their goals.
Don’t date: Pisces
Pisces men are too sensitive and emotional. Libras want someone, who is determined and strong-minded next to them. Libra is again too honest and straight-forward for Pisces man.

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8. Scorpio woman (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio women are very hard to deal with. They are very demanding, powerful and emotional. Scorpios tend to get jealous easily and they are very out-going. It is hard to keep up with their pace, but once you do, you have a partner for life.
Date: Leo
Both are very passionate and dominant and this actually gives them energy to keep going. They are both independent and drive for success and having the same goals means not standing in the way of each other, but supporting and cheering for the other one.
Don’t date: Gemini
Gemini men are too romantic and humble for the fiery Scorpio. Scorpios need someone, who can stand up for themselves and be a equivalent partner.
9. Sagittarius woman (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius women are fearless. They need adventure and freedom in their life and avoid any kind of drama. Sagittarius need to follow their heart and do what is best for them, otherwise they will never be happy.
Date: Aries
Both signs are social butterflies and they share the need for excitement and adventure. Together they help each other to grow and teach each other the important things in life. Aries men are fun-loving and easy-going and they like to avoid drama as Sagittarius women do.
Don’t date: Taurus
Taurus men are not willing to quit their 9-5 job and go on an adventure with Aries girls. Taurus need stability, while Aries are looking for excitement. They have different values and goals, which makes it nearly impossible for them to date.

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10. Capricorn woman (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn women are very determined and goal-oriented, but they are also fun and humorous. Because of their patient mind, they are great at problem-solving and finding solutions. They can always look at the bigger picture and not focus on the details.
Date: Pisces
These two signs follow the rule that opposites do attract. At first it might not seem as a perfect match, they are actually great for each other. The Capricorn women help to make the Pisces men feel secured and safe in a relationship. They are both willing to commit with their whole hearts.
Don’t date: Aries
Aries men are too carefree and childish for Capricorn women. They need logical thinking and responsibility, but Aries want to have fun and excitement in their lives. When Capricorn are busy focusing on their career and future, Aries is busy planning their next adventure.
11. Aquarius woman (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius women are very creative and they are always looking for new ways to improve. They think outside the box and do not follow the mainstream. Although they are very out-going and social, it is sometimes hard for them to show real emotions and be totally honest with someone. Aquarius women value their freedom and independence and they are not interested in being tied down.
Date: Gemini
Both are free spirits and they appreciate each other a lot. The passion between them can turn very fiery and their sex life makes others jealous. The Gemini guys also have a way around the Aquarius girls, which means they can make them commit without feeling too tied down.
Don’t date: Scorpio
The Scorpio men are too demanding and controlling for the free spirits like Aquarius. They want different things in life and cannot make it work. When Scorpio want security and stability, then Aquarius want the exact opposite.

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12. Pisces Woman (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces are quite secretive and hard to understand. They can get very emotional, but usually they are sweet and shy. Because of their creative mind, they are not good at organizing things nor keeping things in mind. Pisces women are very passionate lovers.
Date: Cancer
Both of them are extremely passionate and want to make the other one feel safe and loved. The cancer man will work hard to make his girl feel special and happy. Cancer men will have patience to wait for the Pisces women to open themselves up and when they finally do, they are them forever.
Don’t date: Libra
Libra men are very logical and concrete. They do not do well with Pisces creative and carefree personality. Libra needs someone, who is as organised as he is, but Pisces women lack these qualities. They value different things in life.