Samurai warriors hold an almost mythical position in Japanese culture and national consciousness. The warriors were outlawed in the late 1880s, but after holding an elite position in Japanese society for almost 1000 years, their central beliefs continue to be of influence today and are looked to for wisdom and knowledge.
The samurai was first formed in 710 AD by the Emperor Tenji following the Battle of Baekgang, who was eager to replicate the Chinese with new social structure reforms. He decreed that every three of four males were to be conscripted into the military, forming clans that eventually led to a whole new social class.
The image of the samurai most modern people will recognize from movies and books didn’t appear until 1185 when they were established as being the superior social class, even above the elite.
Due to their elevated position the samurai were highly educated and were familiar with the teachings of Buddhism, Zen, Confucianism, and Shinto. They drew many teachings from these religions, creating the warrior code they lived by until the samurai were disbanded in the 19th century.

“Women in a traditional Japanese shop back in the 19th century. Felice Beato took this photograph.” – Image Courtesy: 9Hive
Buddhism had a strong influence on their beliefs, with the idea of rebirth leading to the abandonment of needless killings. Confucianism helped form the notion of loyalty, which became central to the samurai.

“One of the first war photographs taken around the time of 1862 by Venetian-born Felice Beato.” – Image Courtesy: DailyMail
The age of the samurai came to an end in 1873 when the Japanese army was modernized, but before they disappeared completely some warriors posed for photographers creating striking images that give a true insight into what it meant to be part of this ancient clan.
One brutal image features a warrior performing “seppuku”, a form of self-sacrifice, where a sharp object is plunged into the stomach and pulled across the body. It was done as a way for a warrior to regain honor after losing it.
The images have come to represent the samurai and hold a special importance in Japanese culture.

“Samurai warriors with their colorful attire equipped with their swords ready to fight!” – Image Courtesy: DailyMail
Following the samurai’s decline, their beliefs and teachings have become of huge importance to Japan’s national character, with people encouraged to emulate their loyalty and dedication and live a life based on a code of honor.