We are not sure what the world looks like in 2045.
A lot has happened within the last 28 years and no one could have imagined the technological improvements and inventions we have today. All we know about the future is that the world will be a different place, hopefully, a better one.
Some people, of course, have speculations of what the world will look like in the year 2045. The best would be asked about the predictions about the future from experts working In the field. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which was established already in 1958, is behind some of the biggest innovations in the military. These military innovations have found their way into the civilian technology market as well. Some examples include things like advanced robotics, global-positioning systems and of course, the internet.
So what will the year 2045 look like?
It is sure that robots and artificial technology will play a much bigger role in our society and many industries will benefit from them. Many scientists believe in the popularization of self-driving cars.
Dr. Justin Sanchez, who is a neuroscientist and director of DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office, has very optimistic predictions for the future. He thinks that in 28 years, people can control things by only using their mind.
So no more buttons handle nor keypads. All is done by only using the mind. He thinks that in 2045 we will all live in smart homes, which means we can control everything around us by our mind. He even hopes it is possible to communicate with other people without saying a word. He believes that communication can be done by using neural activity from our brains.
Dr. Sanchez reveals that DARPA is actually working on this kind of neurological technologies, that would make these future predictions possible. One of the best examples of this technology today is being able to control a prosthetic arm by using brain implants. He says that this is a big step for all humankind.
DARPA demonstrated the amazing technological possibility for the first time last week. They showed it on a paralyzed man, who got back the sense of touch with using brain implants. He felt like his own hand was being touched.
Of course, there are more to it than just brain implants. That is not so much the future, but the present already. Stefanie Tompkins, a geologist, and director of DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office thinks that the future technology could even change the buildings and other objects around us.
Tompkins believes that future houses will be very strong, but also lightweight, by using materials that are strong as steel, but light as carbon fiber. She thinks that in 28 years, we will not even recognize the same material that surrounds us today. She believes that there are going to be huge changes in the environment around us, that are difficult to even imagine today.
Pam Melroy, who is an aerospace engineer and a former astronaut, thinks that machines are going to have a whole different role in the society. She thinks that machines will become more intelligent and helpful for people in their everyday life. And of course, she believes that buttons and keyboards are the history and just talking and other voice-controlled activities are the future.
One example, how the life will go easier and even safer in the future, are the airplanes. Pam Melroy will think that in the future we do not need pilots to handle the planes. The planes will be smart enough to take off and land themselves.
She believes that in the future people can communicate directly through their minds and use machines in a whole new way. Our lives will probably go easier, but these are only the predictions. We will see the real changes in 28 years.