Are you one of the many people around the world who has wondered if they lasted long enough between the sheets? What exactly is considered normal and how do you and your lover stack up in comparison?
Well, our friends over at Saucy Dates decided to survey to find out. At first, they thought men would exaggerate their performance in the bedroom and expected to compare it to men in other countries to see who exaggerated the most.
Surprisingly though, they found that the men were quite honest. When they compared their answers to the answers given by the women, they found that the men weren’t exaggerating at all. That’s when they realized that this survey was one of the most scientific studies on their site to date.
The survey started by asking 3,836 people two different questions:
1. The last time you had sex (not including foreplay), how long did it last?
2. How long would you like for sex (not including foreplay), to last?
On average they found that both men and women hoped for penetration to last about the same amount of time. Women wanted sex to continue for 25 minutes and 51 seconds, while the men said 25 minutes and 43 seconds.
Overall, men from the USA were impressive and able to keep it going the longest with 17 minutes and 5 seconds as the average.
Canadian men came in 2nd place at precisely 17 minutes, but they started out strong, outperforming everyone until they reached the age of 28.
Men in the United Kingdom were average in their 20s but improved with time and reached their peak performance in their early thirties, at which point they lasted 16 minutes and 58 seconds.
Australian men were the best performers once they reached the 45-year-old age group. Indian men also improved with age and by their 50’s were able to last 15 minutes and 15 seconds.
This survey shows that sex didn’t last for the full-time frame that both men and women had hoped for, but it pays to remember that these results did not include foreplay.
Research has been done in the past on the average time that it took couples to reach orgasm that had a different outcome.
It included 500 heterosexual couples from across the world that used a stopwatch to time how long they lasted each time they had sex, for four weeks.
Their results varied considerably ranging from only 33 seconds all the way up to 44 minutes.
In most of the countries that were studied the average time was 5.4 minutes. This included the US, UK, Netherlands, and Spain. Turkey was significantly different from the other countries with an average of 3.72 minutes.
The study also noted that condom usage and circumcision did not influence the results.
By looking at these two different studies we find that the 25 minutes that everyone wants, might not be easy to achieve. However, this just shows that stepping up the foreplay game before beginning penetration is a win-win situation for both men and women.
If your sex life is bringing you to a climax, then I say keep doing whatever it is that you’re doing. Of course, if it isn’t then you might want to experiment some and discover what works best for you.
Everyone is so different when it comes to what happens in the bedroom, that I can’t help but wonder where everyone stacks up in comparison to these studies. What do you all think about this and how does your love life compare?