When I first met my husband, we instantly connected yet for some reason it still took me almost two years and two horrible relationships to realize that he deserved more than just a shot. It didn’t take long before I was head-over-heels in love with him and kicking myself for wasting my time on anyone else. Now i write a letter to my former self for all that happened in my past.
Now we’re coming up on our first anniversary and expecting our first baby, and even though things indeed haven’t been perfect or always comfortable, I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Every day, I find another reason to love him more. For some reason i am writing a letter to my past below:
This is my letter to my former self, what I would have said to myself the day I met my husband in the past.
Younger, More Foolish Self,
Marry him, as soon as you possibly can.
Marry him because he makes you laugh even when you’re supposed to be mad at him.
Marry him because he starts sentences with “I was talking to the cat…” because even though he doesn’t love your cat as much as you do, he still talks to her and will never make fun of you for the conversations you have with her.
Marry him because even when he can barely walk after stepping on a nail, he will offer to make you toast when you’re not feeling well.
Marry him because when you find out you’re pregnant even when you weren’t planning on kids so soon, he’ll be just as excited as you.
Marry him because he will keep asking you what’s wrong even when you don’t want to say.
Marry him because even if he thinks you’re upset for no reason, he will come and find out why you’re upset and apologize.
Marry him because he randomly says words aloud as he’s reading or working.
Marry him because he’s willing to help his family all day even when he had plans of his own.
Marry him because when you have a half-baked idea of how to build a rabbit cage, he will spend the whole afternoon following your ever-changing directions.
Marry him because he will look at you with awe and wonder as you get bigger and bigger while pregnant, even while you just feel fat.
Marry him because even in your darkest moments, he will still love you.
Marry him because when you have to travel by motorcycle in the rain, he will give you a massive rain jacket.
Marry him because when you’re too sick to take your sick cat to the vet, he will do it without hesitating.
Marry him because even though he was always taught that cooking and cleaning were a woman’s jobs, he willingly does both for you.
Marry him because when you’re scared because you haven’t felt your baby move all day, his response is to lay his head on your stomach, call her name, then take you to the hospital.
Marry him because he’ll always remind you that he loves you before he leaves for work.
Marry him because he will work hard to make sure you have what you need.
Marry him because he’s passionate about teaching and loves his students.
Marry him because he won’t mind if you haven’t showered in few days.
Marry him because when you’re super pregnant and can’t hold your bladder for long, he will let you have the bathroom first in the morning.
Marry him because when his parents’ front door hinges are creaking, he’ll buy oil and fix them.
Marry him because you know he’ll never leave you.
Marry him because he’s emotionally stable yet sensitive enough to cry when he’s been hurt.
Marry him because even during your worst fights, you won’t regret marrying him for a single moment.
Your very lucky and happy future self
This is the letter i write to my past. It has already been quite the journey with my husband, and I’m so excited to see what the future has for us as we walk hand-in-hand down this path called life. I do not doubt that whatever life continues to throw our way, we’ll be able to take the bad with the good and keep growing stronger together and falling deeper in love.